Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Some Really cool stuff I relized after the last post

If you log in to your amie street account and come back to this page, any middle distance runner songs you own on Amie Street will play the full songs in the player in the previous post. That is way too cool!

Another cool thing. Want to show the latest songs you're buying on Amie Street? Here's the last 20 songs I bought.

Want the code? After myUsername__ just type in your amie street username. Here's Elias' last 20 buys.

Here's the code:

<embed height="300" width="400" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://amie.st/listSongs.php?fetchPlaylist/myUsername__YourUsernameHere/sortBy__added_on/order__DESC/"></embed>

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